If you have a query, a complaint, want to make a notification or wish to get in touch with our press office, contact the Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate (ILT).
Lees deze pagina in het Nederlands
Urgent notifications
If you need to contact us urgently, please dial +31 88 489 0000. The ILT can be reached on this number 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If required, please complete the appropriate notification form afterwards.
For notifications that are not urgent, complete the appropriate notification form and send it to us. Please note: not all notification forms are available in English.
If you need to contact us with an urgent question, complaint or notification please dial +31 88 489 0000. If required, please fill in the appropriate notification form afterwards. For notifications that are not urgent, complete the appropriate notification form and send it to us. Please note: not all notification forms are available in English.
Anonymously reporting a serious crime
For the reporting of a serious crime, e.g., organised environmental crime, malpractices in the transportation sector or fraud at a housing corporation, please contact the Team Criminele Inlichtingen, TCI (Criminal Intelligence Team, in Dutch). The TCI is part of the ILT/Inlichtingen- en Opsporingsdienst, ILT-IOD (Special Intelligence and Investigation Service). You can report anonymously if you fear major, personal consequences such as dismissal or threats. The TCI guarantees absolute confidentiality.
Processing your notification
The ILT registers all incoming notifications. If necessary, the inspection will take action. All notifications are also used for risk analysis purposes, allowing inspectors to organise and coordinate their work properly.
Use our contact form
If you have a question about the ILT's products or services, a have a comment or question about this website? or you can't find certain information or a document, then contact us using our contact form.
It is important that the ILT registers questions effectively and efficiently. That is why the ILT receives questions using a contact form. This enters your question directly into our system and provides you with a registration number and contact details. You will then immediately receive an email with a confirmation of receipt and registration number.
Contact us by telephone
You can also contact the ILT by dialling +31 88 489 0000. You can reach the ILT on working days from 08:30 to 17:00.
Application forms
On our Aanvraagformulieren page you will find all the forms you can use to apply for or declare something to the ILT. Such as permits, approvals, exemptions, certificates, assessments and declarations. Please note: not all forms are available in English.
Complaint about the ILT
If you are dissatisfied with the ILT or the conduct or acts of an employee, you can file a complaint using our complaint form. The ILT will get back to you within 2 weeks.
Complaint about air passenger rights
To file a complaint about your air passenger rights, you must first contact your carrier (airline). If you disagree with the carrier’s decision, or if they fail to respond, you can report a complaint about air passenger rights with the ILT. In some cases, you must first file a complaint with the disputes committee if you cannot come to an agreement with the carrier.
Information request under the Dutch Open Government Act
Woo is the abbreviation of the Wet open overheid (Open Government Act). This act regulates the right to information on nearly everything the government is involved in. The Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate (ILT) already actively discloses quite a lot of information. You can submit a Woo request if the information you are looking for is not yet accessible to the public.
Accessing public information
You can find a great deal of information on the ILT website or on open.overheid.nl (only in Dutch). If you still are not able to find what you are looking for, please contact the ILT by telephone on +31 88 489 0000 or using our contact form. Our service staff will be happy to help you.
Requesting information through the Woo procedure
You can submit a Woo request with the ILT online. To do so, please send an email to informatieverzoeken-woo@ilent.nl
Make sure to always indicate the following in your Woo request:
- The fact that it is a Woo request;
- What subject it is about;
- Which or what type of documents it concerns;
- What time period it is about;
- Your contact details.
It is important to think carefully beforehand about the type of information you wish to obtain through the Woo request. This will enable the ILT to be of better assistance to you.
Processing your Woo request
The ILT has 4 weeks to respond. In some cases it may take longer, e.g., if a lot of information is involved. The ILT may then take 2 weeks longer. If it is still not possible within this time, the ILT will contact you. This will allow you, for example, to specify which information you want to receive first.
Not all information is public
The Wet open overheid (Open Government Act, only in Dutch) specifies which information the ILT is not allowed to disclose. Some information, the inspection is allowed to disclose only in part. In those cases the ILT makes parts of documents unreadable. Because of these legal provisions, the ILT may refuse all or part of your Woo request. You can read about this in the decision you receive from the ILT. If you disagree with the decision, you can object to it. For more information, go to Bezwaar tegen beslissing overheid (Objecting to government decisions, only in Dutch).
Queries and more information
If you have any queries about the accessibility of government information at the ILT please contact us using our contact form or by dialling +31 88 489 0000. You can reach the ILT on working days from 08:30 to 17:00.
Submit an enforcement request
If you believe that regulations supervised by the ILT are being breached, you can submit an enforcement request. With this request, you ask the ILT to take action against the possible violation you have raised. However, your enforcement request must meet certain conditions.
This page explains what these conditions are and how you can submit an enforcement request.
You must be an interested party and cannot remain anonymous
To make an enforcement request, you must be an interested party (within the meaning of Article 1(2) Algemene wet bestuursrecht (General Administrative Law Act, only in Dutch). This means that you have an objective, personal, inherent, direct and present interest in the situation. To determine this, the ILT needs to know who you are. The ILT will therefore not consider anonymous requests.
Submitting an enforcement request is a legal procedure. In the process, your details (name, address and place of residence) may be shared with the offender(s). If you do not want this, you cannot submit an enforcement request. However, you can then ask the ILT a question by using our contact form or submit a notification. You will find an overview of all notification and reporting forms on the page Meldformulieren (lists both Dutch and English forms). When asking a question or filing a notification, you can indicate that you do not agree to your data being shared with the offender. In doing so, you are neither required to be an interested party.
Submitting an enforcement request
You can only submit an enforcement request in writing;
- Preferably use our contact form. Please indicate in the subject field that it is an enforcement request, otherwise the ILT will treat your request as a regular question.
- You can also submit your enforcement request by letter. Send your signed request to ILT, Postbus 16191, 2500 BD Den Haag, Netherlands.
- It is not possible to submit an enforcement request by telephone.
Make sure to always indicate the following in your enforcement request:
- The type of violation in question and who is committing it. Describe clearly what is going on and explain how you know about it. Also include supporting documents, if you have any.
- The fact that it is an enforcement request. What action do you want the ILT to take? What do you think should be done? What is your direct self-interest in remedying the violation?
- Your name and address. The date on which you submit your enforcement request. Your signature (take a photo or make a scan of your signature) and send the file with the contact form.
Processing your enforcement request
The ILT assesses your enforcement request. There are 2 possible outcomes
- Your enforcement request is accepted
If there is a violation, ILT is able to take enforcement action and are there no reasons not to do so, then you will be notified within 8 weeks of the ILT receiving your request that your request has been accepted. The ILT will then inform the violator that it will take action against the violation. - Your enforcement request ïs rejected
This occurs when the ILT cannot or should not take action against the violation you reported. For example, because the violation does not fall within our competence or in case you are not an interested party. There may also be other reasons why the ILT decides not to enforce, for example because there was no actual violation of rules. In the notification the ILT will explain why your request could not be considered.
If your request is rejected, you will be notified within 8 weeks of the ILT receiving your request. This will also state why your request has been rejected.
Please note: Do not use enforcements requests for individual compensation from airlines
You cannot submit an enforcement request for individual claims from airlines for flight delay or denial of boarding. The court has ruled that the ILT has no jurisdiction to act with regard to these types of individual claims. To learn more about this, go to Passagiersrechten luchtvaart (Air passenger rights, only in Dutch).
Journalists wishing to request information from the Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate (ILT) can send an email to our press office at persvoorlichting@ilent.nl or contact our spokespersons directly (see details under Spokespersons). Outside office hours, please dial +31 70 456 2660.
Follow our latest updates on Twitter and LinkedIn or subscribe to the ILT newsfeed.
For general information including visuals, please visit the page Informatie voor de pers (Press information, only in Dutch).

Sascha Elzinga
Work days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday
+31 627 58 87 03
- Circular economy
- Environment
- ILT Corporate
- Soil
- Waste
- Water

Joyce Mooring
Work days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday
+31 650 03 60 03
- Aviation
- Cybersecurity
- Drones
- Explosives
- Fireworks
- Product oversight
- Road transport of goods and passengers
- Transport of dangerous goods by air and by road

Ilse van der Poel
Work days: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
+31 625 11 71 64
- Autoriteit woningcorporaties, Aw (Housing Corporation Authority)
- Caribbean Netherlands (Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba)
- Innovation and data lab (IDlab)
- Inspections and certification
- Rail
- Sea shipping
- Transporting dangerous goods by rail and sea shipping
ILT postal address
The general ILT postal address is:
Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate (ILT)
Postbus 16191
2500 BD Den Haag
the Netherlands
ILT phone number
For general information, you can also call the ILT at number +31 88 489 0000. You can reach the ILT on working days from 8:30am to 5pm.
ILT branch offices
Headquarters (Directorate and staff departments)
Rijnstraat 8
2515 XP Den Haag
the Netherlands
Find directions to Rijnstraat 8, Den Haag.
You can park in the Rijnstraat car park.
ILT Utrecht branch office
Graadt van Roggenweg 500
3531 AH Utrecht
the Netherlands
Find directions to Graadt van Roggenweg 500, Utrecht.
There are mostly paid parking facilities near the office. Public transport is recommended.
ILT Zwijndrecht branch office
Westelijke Parallelweg 4
3331 EW Zwijndrecht
the Netherlands
Find directions to Westelijke Parallelweg 4, Zwijndrecht.
There is a limited number of visitor parking spaces in front of the building. You can also use the car park Verbindingsweg Noord, 3331 LN Zwijndrecht (about 500 metres away) and the P+R on Westelijke Parallelweg, 3331 EW Zwijndrecht.
ILT Amsterdam branch office
Kingsfordweg 1
1043 GN, Amsterdam
the Netherlands
Find directions to Kingfordweg 1, Amsterdam.
This branch does not have parking facilities. Public transport is recommended.