
When your company wants to ignite professional fireworks, an application permit is required. Such a permit is obligatory for the ignition of consumer fireworks, professional fireworks and theater pyrotechnic articles.

Application permit

You can apply for the application permit with the application form (in Dutch). The person applying for the permit must be an expert and must possess a certificate for the relevant specialty (to be obtained from KIWA).

Only qualified personnel

Only certified experts are allowed to ignite professional fireworks. 

Add attachments to the request

The person applying for the permit, must submit the following documents:

  • A prove of the applicable insurance, with coverage of € 2,500,000 per event.
  • Clear statement that working with professional fireworks is covered by this policy.
  • Copy of the applicable KIWA certificate or certificates.
  • Certificate of good conduct (VOG) issued by the municipality in question and not older than six months. If you don’t live in the Netherlands, you can obtain a VOG via Justis, see third option on that internet page.

Certificate of good conduct (VOG)

In order to obtain the certificate of good conduct (VOG) from the municipality where you live you will need an application form that has previously been completed by the ILT. This application form will be sent to you after you asked for one.

Applications must be completed

The ILT will only assess complete requests. 

Length of procedure

As soon as the ILT has received the completed application, you will receive a confirmation thereof. The ILT assesses the request as soon as possible. The entire procedure may take 8 weeks.

Ask the county (provincial government) for an ignition permission per event

Once you have received an application permit from the ILT, you need - each time you want to ignite fireworks - a permission from the province where the event takes place (i.e. for each event). Please go to the website of the respective province to apply for such ignition permission.