Stability manual for inland container vessels

Containerbinnenvaartschepen (inland navigation container vessels) operating in the Netherlands must be loaded in a way that does not compromise their stability. Therefore, an accurate stability calculation is essential.

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Responsibility of the boatmaster

The inland navigation boatmaster is responsible for making the correct stability calculation. The certified stabiliteitsboek (stability manual) is the leading document in this process. The boatmaster cannot rely only on digital container stowage programmes, as they are just tools.

The Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate (ILT) recently conducted a spot check, which revealed that the software used in some stowage programmes for inland navigation does not always entirely match the information in stability manual.

Stability calculation method

The vessel’s stability booklet details the stability calculation method. The stability manual has been verified by a Commissie van Deskundigen (commission of experts) and is certified. It must provide the boatmaster with clear information about the ship’s stability in all loading conditions.

Checking stability before departure

Before the container vessel embarks on its journey, the boatmaster must check its stability. The vessel is not permitted to depart if the loading method compromises its stability.

For more information, please refer to the Stability Guide for Container Transport in Inland Navigation, published in May 2017 by the European Skipper’s Organisation (ESO), European Barge Union (EBU), Aquapol, and the Central Commission for the Navigation of the Rhine (CCR).