Documents - Seagoing vessels (merchant ships)

22 documents on Seagoing vessels (merchant ships)

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  1. Form: Application Additional certificates for merchant ships - ILT.077E.05

    Form for additional certificates for merchant ships. Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate.

    Form | 07-12-2017

  2. CSR Form 3 Registration of the amendments to the continuous synopsis record

    CSR Form 3 Registration of the amendments to the continuous synopsis record

    Form | 22-12-2016

  3. Model on-board complaint procedures

    Model for onboard complaint procedure. The complainant seafarer will submit his complait in writing within 5 days of the ...

    Form | 24-10-2016

  4. Form: Application temporary exemption for crew composition - ILT.113E.03

    Form to apply for a temporary exemption for crew composition

    Form | 20-10-2016

  5. Form: Declaration of Communication (Shipping) - ILT.065E.09

    Form: Declaration of Communication (Shipping)

    Form | 21-12-2015

  6. Report Fatal accident Dutch freezer-trawler

    Investigation of a fatal accident that took place on 7 September 2011 on an Dutch freezer-trawler 'Oceaan VII, fishing in the ...

    Report | 04-03-2015

  7. Checklist MLC 2006 Aide Memoire

    Checklist MLC 2006 Aide Memoire.

    Form | 02-03-2015

  8. Model document for alternative registration of seatime in Seaman's Book as mentioned in Seafarer Act, art. 38

    Model for the replacement of registration in Seaman's Book.

    Form | 02-03-2015

  9. Record of hours work and rest for seafarers

    Form to fill out hours work and rest per seafarer.

    Form | 02-03-2015

  10. Shipboard working arrangements

    Shipboard working arrangements to fill out scheduled daily hours of work and daily rest hours.

    Form | 02-03-2015