Deviating from crew accommodation rules for seagoing vessels

On seagoing vessels registered in the Netherlands, accommodation spaces and facilities must comply with the rules and regulations set out by the Government of the Netherlands. As a scheepsbeheerder (managing owner), you may deviate from these rules under set conditions, depending on your situation.

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For new ships, the rules and regulations of the Maritieme arbeidsverdrag (Maritime Labour Convention, MLC) as outlined in the Regeling zeevarenden (Seafarers Act, in Dutch) apply. For sea-going vessels with a keel laying date of before 20 August 2013, the requirements from the Schepelingenbesluit (Seamen's Decree, in Dutch) apply.

Accommodation deviations for new builds

Before construction begins, you, as the ship manager, must seek approval for planned deviations from employers and employees (in Dutch) via the Platform Maritiem (Maritime Platform). To do so, use the Request MLC Substantial Equivalencies and MLC Exemptions form.

Before commissioning the ship, you must apply for a Declaration of Maritime Labour Compliance (DMLC-I, in Dutch) from the Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate (ILT). This is mandatory for vessels of 500 gross tonnage (GT) or more and recommended for vessels below 500 GT.

Accommodation deviations when flagging in or renovating

If you are registering or “flagging in” a seagoing vessel under the Dutch flag or renovating the crew accommodation, the keel laying date determines how you may deviate from the accommodation rules and regulations.