Any person or company that wants to transport explosives for civilian use within the Member States of the European Union, must have permission from the countries from which, through which and to which these explosives are transported. For transportation in the Netherlands, you can apply for permission at the ILT.
How can you request permission?
You can apply for permission of the transport of explosives by using the online form Application for permission under the Wecg (Explosives for Civil Uses Act).
Assessment of your application
The ILT assesses your application for admissibility. Please attach the following documents to your application:
- The transfer licence from the municipality where the transport ends, if the transport ends in the Netherlands.
- The recognition issued by the chief of police (Articles 17, 18 and 19, Wet explosieven voor civiel gebruik (Wecg) (Explosives for Civil Uses Act, only in Dutch).
In the case of multiple transfers, the approval is valid for a maximum of 1 year.
Processing time
After the ILT receives your application, you will receive an acknowledgement of receipt. The ILT will assess your application as soon as possible. The statutory processing time is 8 weeks.
Costs involved
A fee is payable for processing your application. The tariff may be adjusted annually. The current tariffs can be found in the Regeling aanvraag erkenning en onkostenvergoeding goedkeuring Wet explosieven voor civiel gebruik (Regulation on application for recognition and reimbursement of expenses for approval under the Explosives for Civil Uses Act, only in Dutch). You will receive an invoice after a decision on your application.
Do not forget to apply for a production location code
In case a manufacturer wants to produce explosives or an importer wants to import explosives from outside Europe, he must apply for a production location code. A production location code is part of the unique identification code that has to be affixed to each explosive. This code can be used to trace the origin of the explosive (track and trace).
You can apply for a production location code via the MijnILT web portal. There, you can track your data. To log in, you need eHerkenning. If you do not have eHerkenning, you can use the digital form Aanvraag productlocatiecode Wet explosieven civiel gebruik (Wecg) (Application for product location code under the Explosives for Civil Uses Act, only in Dutch).