The Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate (ILT) monitors compliance of the transport of dangerous goods through inland waterways by river vessels with the Wet vervoer gevaarlijke stoffen or WVGS (Carriage of Dangerous Substances Act). Every year, hundreds of inspections are carried out, both on water and ashore, as well as company inspections throughout the country.
The ILT is increasingly conducting themed inspections derived from risk analyses already made. A-selective inspections will also remain in place in the future. The inspectorate’s authority is far-reaching – they can suspend transportation until infringements have been removed (administrative enforcement) and impose an order for periodic penalty payments.
They work closely with the port and water police and Rijkswaterstaat (Directorate-General for Public Works and Water Management) in overseeing the safe transport of dangerous goods. Interventions are co-ordinated (including annual plans and theme activities) in consultation with the other enforcement partners by means of the ADNR (Regulations for the Carriage of Dangerous Goods on the Rhine) and the PCHB (Permanent Contact Group for the Maintenance of Inland Navigation).
Permanent co-ordinating consultations
Maintenance of inland navigation/inland waterways is covered in permanent, co-ordinating consultations: the COVW (Consultative Body for Safe Transport on Water) for strategic decision-making, and the PCHB for operational co-ordination and implementation.
The following institutions are represented in these consultations: Openbaar Ministerie (Public Prosecution Servicet, port authorities, Rijkswaterstaat, the Landelijke Eenheid (Central Unit of the national police), seaport police and inspection services.
There is close collaboration between the various supervisory bodies in the event that inland navigation overlaps with other shipping branches (i.e. board to board transshipment from an seagoing vessel to a river vessel).