The ILT story

We are the Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate (ILT). We are committed each and every day to safety, trust and sustainability. In transport, infrastructure, the living and natural environment and housing in the Netherlands. That is our mission.

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At a time when our natural environment is under great strain, when innovations are moving at breakneck speed and where transport is on the rise; living in a clean, safe and healthy environment is not always guaranteed and an independent and decisive oversight body is required.

More than just enforcement

We are an oversight body with impact. Sometimes that takes courage. We go beyond monitoring, licensing and detection. We are also the partner that ensures the respective industries take responsibility for their own actions. We give signals and actively share them with politicians and society so that they can be actioned. We do what we can to prevent damage or destruction. Where things do go wrong, we act. In this way, we ensure that risks are limited, that there is a level playing field for companies and that public interests are protected.

Serving society

What characterises us is our expertise and our commitment to society. We are in close contact with our natural environment. We identify new developments, expose risks and test how regulations work in practice. We work in a risk-based way and constantly look for the most effective form of supervision and enforcement. This requires sharp choices. We continuously challenge ourselves to be an innovative and agile supervisor. So that we can deploy our capacity and resources where the risks are highest and where we have the most impact.

Stronger together

We cooperate with others and are in dialogue with our surrounding natural and living environment. Only by working together can we make the Netherlands a safer and more sustainable place. With our expertise, dedication and enthusiasm, we work towards a society where the living environment and transport are safe and the natural environment is protected for future generations.

We are the ILT; we protect the people and the environment of the Netherlands