125 documents
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Form: Application Additional certificates for merchant ships - ILT.077E.05
Form for additional certificates for merchant ships. Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate.
Template Aircraft Maintenance Programme
Example of a template for an aircraft maintenance programme
Strengthened maintenance regime for air pipe closing devices
Strengthened maintenance regime for air pipe closing devices
List of approved servicing stations for inflatable life rafts
List of approved servicing stations in the Netherlands for inflatable life rafts.
Q&A Ballast Water Management Convention Eng.
Q&A Ballast Water Management Convention Eng.
Explanatory notes on Annex VII
Explanation of all variables in Annex VII and how to fill out the form.
Conversion flight test rating and flight test instructor certificate
This conversion report applies to the flight test rating and flight test instructor certificate
Vertrag Ausfuhr aus EU in OECD Staaten
Contract pertaining to Export of waste, destined for (interim) recovery from the EU
Declaration of Maritime Labour Compliance Part II