
125 documents

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  1. Form: Application Additional certificates for merchant ships - ILT.077E.05

    Form for additional certificates for merchant ships. Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate.

    Form | 07-12-2017

  2. Template Aircraft Maintenance Programme

    Example of a template for an aircraft maintenance programme

    Publication | 05-10-2017

  3. Strengthened maintenance regime for air pipe closing devices

    Strengthened maintenance regime for air pipe closing devices

    Publication | 28-08-2017

  4. List of approved servicing stations for inflatable life rafts

    List of approved servicing stations in the Netherlands for inflatable life rafts.

    Publication | 04-08-2017

  5. Q&A Ballast Water Management Convention Eng.

    Q&A Ballast Water Management Convention Eng.

    Publication | 18-07-2017

  6. Explanatory notes on Annex VII

    Explanation of all variables in Annex VII and how to fill out the form.

    Publication | 11-07-2017

  7. Conversion flight test rating and flight test instructor certificate

    This conversion report applies to the flight test rating and flight test instructor certificate

    Report | 09-03-2017

  8. Vertrag Ausfuhr aus EU in OECD Staaten

    Publication | 17-01-2017

  9. Contract pertaining to Export of waste, destined for (interim) recovery from the EU

    Publication | 17-01-2017

  10. Declaration of Maritime Labour Compliance Part II

    Publication | 17-01-2017