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3 news items

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  1. ILT notes cleaner fuel to West Africa from the Netherlands

    Fuels from the Netherlands to West Africa must meet strict requirements to prevent excessive air pollution. Five years ago, the ...

    News | 14-11-2023 | 09:00

  2. Warning against the use of vintage gas masks containing asbestos on board ships

    The Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate (ILT) recently found gas masks with filters containing asbestos on board a bulk ...

    News | 06-11-2023 | 15:23

  3. Court rules in favour of ILT in summary proceedings for dirty fuels

    The court of The Hague today ruled in the case brought by two fuel terminals against the ILT. The companies objected to the ILT’s ...

    News | 27-01-2023 | 15:30