Modify an existing EWSR waste shipment notification

You have received a positive decision from the Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate (ILT) for your waste shipment that transits the territories of the Netherlands, but want to modify your notification. This is possible as long as the changes do not substantially alter the waste shipment. You can use the form on this page to submit a modification request to the ILT.

The European Waste Shipment Regulation, EWSR is known as Europese Verordening Overbrenging Afvalstoffen, EVOA in the Netherlands.

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Submitting a modification request

The kennisgever (notifier) or gemachtigde (authorised representative) must request permission in advance and submit a written request to all authorities involved to modify the current decision (see EEC Regulation 1013/2006 EWSR Article 17).

You can only submit a request for:

  • modifications that do not essentially change the original notification (see ‘Modifications you can request using the online form’ below)
  • existing EWSR decisions (notification applications for which the ILT has already issued a positive decision). 
  • situations where the scheduled period for shipments has not yet expired.

You can only ship according to the modification when all authorities involved have approved the modification and have indicated that a new notification is not necessary.

Application form

To apply for a modification to an EVOA-beschikking (EWSR decision) issued by the ILT, use the Modifying a waste transport notification online form.

Modifications you can request using the online form

The changes to an existing notification that you can request using the online form:

  • Adding a new carrier that was not listed in the original notification.
  • Changing the border crossing point in the Netherlands. If you want to change a border crossing that takes place outside the Netherlands, submit the route change by sending an email to:
  • Increasing the number of planned EWSR shipments. Do this if the notifier has used up the specified intended number of shipments, but there is still room within the permitted shipment period and quantity to carry out additional shipments.
  • Adding a packaging type.
  • Adding a UN number (a 4-digit number that identifies dangerous goods).
  • Changing the means of transport.

Modifications that require a new notification

Changes for which you must apply for a new notification:

  • Increasing the total planned quantity of waste
  • Extending the planned duration of the shipment
  • Changing the legal entities involved in the notification (see also paragraph titled Procedure in case of change of company name or legal entity)
  • A route change involving a new authority in the notification (new transit country)
  • Adding new producer(s)