Updating a Certificate of Registry

If you, as the owner of a merchant ship that’s registered in the Netherlands, want to change the details on your current zeebrief (Certificate of Registry), you must notify Kadaster (the Netherlands’ Cadastre, Land Registry and Mapping Agency) and then apply for a new Certificate of Registry with the Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate (ILT).

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Reporting changes

A Certificate of Registry is valid indefinitely, except when one or more of the following details changes:

  • The address or chosen place of residence of the person or company listed under toebehorend aan (‘belonging to’) on the Certificate of Registry.
  • The vessel's name. Read more about what to do when changing the name of a seagoing vessel.
  • The engine, either due to a replacement or the addition of a new engine.

If one or more of these details changes, you must first request a wijziging teboekstelling schip (change to the vessel's registration, in Dutch) with Kadaster. Once the change has been submitted to Kadaster, you can apply for a new Certificate of Registry with the ILT.

In cases involving a bareboat charter, notify the ILT of the changes via email at registratie@ILenT.nl.

Applying for a new Continuous Synopsis Record (CSR)

If there is a change in ownership and/or management of your vessel, you must also apply for a new Continuous Synopsis Record (CSR) with the ILT using the Application Continuous Synopsis Record (CSR) online form. The CSR provides the administrative history of the vessel, including details of ownership and management.

Costs for updating a Certificate of Registry

The fee for updating a Certificate of Registry is €215. This is the standard fee for issuing a new Certificate of Registry, as changes require a new document to be created. This fee is set out in the Regeling tarieven transportsectoren (Transportation Sectors Tariffs Scheme, in Dutch).