Security on ships flying the Dutch flag
Ships flying the Dutch flag must comply with security rules and regulations. The Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate (ILT), also known as the Netherlands Shipping Inspectorate (NSI), oversees this. NSI also conducts security inspections on vessels flying foreign flags, based on international and EU legislation, as Duly Authorised Officers (DAO’s) for maritime security.
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Which vessel types must comply with the security regulations?
The security regulations for ships flying the Dutch flag apply to passenger ships, cargo ships of 500 gross tonnage and upward, Mobile Offshore Drilling Units and the port facilities serving them.
Security regulations
Ships flying the Dutch flag must comply with EU Regulation 725/2004, the International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code and additional International Maritime Organization (IMO) security regulations, which form part of the 'Safety of Life at Sea' (SOLAS) Convention. These regulations address security measures related to equipment, training and quality management systems to ensure maritime security.
You can find the Consolidated interpretations of the Security Rules and Regulations by the Netherlands Shipping Inspectorate for ships flying the Dutch flag in the Netherlands Regulatory Framework (NeRF).
Recognised Security Organisations
The ISPS Code allows certain tasks to be delegated to Recognised Security Organisations (RSOs). The Government of the Netherlands has chosen to delegate the approval of Ship Security Plans (SSPs), changes to SSPs and security equipmentI, onboard verifications and the issuing of International Ship Security Certificates (ISSC) for ships registered in the Netherlands to RSOs.
For these tasks, NSI has selected 7 EU-approved classification societies, appointed as RSOs by the minister van Infrastructuur en Waterstaat, IenW (Minister of Transport and Water Management). NSI supervises the functioning of these RSOs through audits, spot checks of Ship Security Plans and by performing or attending onboard verifications.
Update contact details for the Company Security Officer
To ensure the Government of the Netherlands can always contact the Dutch fleet about changes in security levels, threat warnings or other security instructions, it is essential to have up-to-date contact details for all Company Security Officers (CSOs).
Please fill in the Report/Change contact details company security officer (CSO) form with the contact details of the CSO (including new reports or changes) and send it by post or email to:
Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate
Team Maritiem Internationaal (CSO Data)
P.O. Box 16191
2500 BD Den Haag