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Slot misuse enforcement
Questions and answers
Search within English part of Inspectie Leefomgeving en Transport (ILT)
Questions and answers - Slot misuse enforcement
questions and answers on Slot misuse enforcement
Who to contact
In case of a joint venture operation who will be notified?
Who should I contact if I have a question about an appeal for justification (‘force majeure’) of a discrepancy of data?
Data from the airline
Do (night) movements without a slot fall within the Policy regarding misuse of slots?
Flights arriving earlier within the night regime with an allocated slot for day operation
When a flight is (incidentally) operated on the same calendar day with a slot outside the night regime, but will arrive earlier within the night regime the following criteria are important to be able to claim for justification.
Rotational delays
What is meant by ‘snowballing’? Will rotational delays be addressed in another way?
To clarify ‘any Air Traffic Control measures’ causing the slot violation (especially in relation to full freight operations), will ATC decision for late push-back due to heavy passenger aircraft traffic be considered as ‘Any ATC measure causing slot violation’?
Assessment by the ILT
How does ILT assess flights on the edges of the night regime?
Why is there no guaranteed reaction time limit for the ILT regarding to the slot enforcement?
Is ‘force majeure’ as applied by ACNL the same as ‘justification’ applied by the ILT?