
124 documents

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  1. List of marine fuel suppliers in the Netherlands

    The Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate (ILT) publishes this list of marine fuel suppliers in accordance with MARPOL ...

    Publication | 10-01-2025

  2. ENG notifications ILT data

    Deze data is enkel te gebruiken binnen de ILT Meldwijzer:

    Webapp | 05-12-2024

  3. Approved training courses for seafarers

    In this overview, you can find an overview of training courses for seafarers that are approved by the Netherlands Shipping ...

    Publication | 19-11-2024

  4. Form: Application renewal or endorsement of merchant ship certificates

    Form for a renewal or endorsement of the certificates for a merchant ship.

    Form | 16-10-2024

  5. Aviation Safety Policy statement

    Policy statement setting out the aviation safety objectives of the Civil Aviation Authority the Netherlands, CAA-NL

    Publication | 14-08-2024

  6. Inland navigation administrative fine brochure

    In this document you will find information about administrative fines for inland shipping and what happens after you have filed ...

    Brochure | 05-06-2024

  7. Enforcement of Normal Weekly Rest Period brochure

    Enforcement of normal weekly rest period

    Brochure | 04-06-2024

  8. Slot Enforcement Code

    The Slot Enforcement Code describes what The Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate (ILT) and Airport Coordination ...

    Report | 30-05-2024

  9. Form: Report GMDSS Radio survey - ILT.138.07

    Form to report GMDSS Radio survey

    Form | 29-05-2024

  10. ENG - Stuurbestand IL&T wegwijzers

    To use only in combination with WebApp 'Wegwijzer'. 

    Webapp | 21-05-2024